Bidgee Strawberries and Cream is a local family owned business located in the heart of the Riverina, less than 500 metres from the CBD of Wagga Wagga. The 14 hectare farm, once part of the local sale yard facility is conveniently located adjacent the Pitch and Putt Golf course and the recently established Marrambidya Wetland.
The first patch of strawberries were established in hydroponic troughs in May 2018 with 10 000 runners, each expected to produce 1 kg fruit over the 7 month growing season from late October to the end of April. Demand in the first season has outstripped supply and so plans are underway to establish another
10 000 plants during 2019, taking potential production to around 20 tonne of fruit, which will only be available thorough Pick Your Own and be sold into the local market through our purpose built roadside stall or local restaurants.
We are focused on providing fresh, chemical free produce that people can enjoy straight from the plant and have a fun day together and learn a little along the way.
Integrated Pest Management
Bidgee Strawberries and Cream does not use insecticides or fungicides on the plants enabling visitors to confidently enjoy fruit straight from the plant. To manage insects' pressures we employ an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system using biological control with predatory insects e.g. Ladybird beetles targeting Aphids, Montdorensis predatory mites targeting Thrip and pheromone traps targeting the Carpopholus beetle.
Sometimes there will be sticky blue Fruit Fly traps or bright yellow traps for capturing other pests such as the European Wasp.